Resources & Insights: Driving Action Against Modern Slavery
Explore the latest research, policy updates, media releases, and expert insights on forced labor and human trafficking. Stay informed and take action with The SlaveCheck Foundation.

Modern Slavery

Beyond the Headlines: Unveiling Realities of Modern Slavery in Australia
New data exposes gaps in modern slavery reporting. Victims face barriers to seeking help, while businesses must enhance due diligence. Collaboration is key to driving real change.

Beyond the Headlines: Unveiling Realities of Modern Slavery in Australia
New data exposes gaps in modern slavery reporting. Victims face barriers to seeking help, while businesses must enhance due diligence. Collaboration is key to driving real change.
Modern Slavery

What is Modern Slavery? A Global Perspective on Forced Labour and Human Trafficking
Exploring the definitions of modern slavery—also known as forced labour or human trafficking—this blog clarifies its forms and global implications across industries.

What is Modern Slavery? A Global Perspective on Forced Labour and Human Trafficking
Exploring the definitions of modern slavery—also known as forced labour or human trafficking—this blog clarifies its forms and global implications across industries.
Business Compliance Platform

An Extra 5c on a $5 Shirt: Paying a Living Wage Won’t Change Much for Consumers, but Can Transform Lives for Workers
Paying a living wage in Australia’s clothing supply chain would only increase garment prices by 1%, or an extra 5 cents on a $5 shirt, while doubling wages for workers in countries like Bangladesh.

An Extra 5c on a $5 Shirt: Paying a Living Wage Won’t Change Much for Consumers, but Can Transform Lives for Workers
Paying a living wage in Australia’s clothing supply chain would only increase garment prices by 1%, or an extra 5 cents on a $5 shirt, while doubling wages for workers in countries like Bangladesh.
Business Compliance Platform

14% Boost in Sales: There is a Proven Business Case for Offering Consumers Slavery-Free Goods
A study found that labelling garments with fair labour standards increased sales by 14%, proving that offering slavery-free goods can drive consumer demand and boost revenue.

14% Boost in Sales: There is a Proven Business Case for Offering Consumers Slavery-Free Goods
A study found that labelling garments with fair labour standards increased sales by 14%, proving that offering slavery-free goods can drive consumer demand and boost revenue.
Modern Slavery

Senate Submission: Insights on Preventing Child Labour in Trade
Download SlaveCheck’s detailed submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Customs Amendment (Preventing Child Labour) Bill 2023. This document highlights key recommendations to prevent child labour in global supply chains and proposes policies for business accountability.

Senate Submission: Insights on Preventing Child Labour in Trade
Download SlaveCheck’s detailed submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Customs Amendment (Preventing Child Labour) Bill 2023. This document highlights key recommendations to prevent child labour in global supply chains and proposes policies for business accountability.
Modern Slavery

Senate Submission: How NSW Government Procurement Can Tackle Modern Slavery
Discover SlaveCheck’s recommendations in this submission to the NSW Inquiry on improving government procurement practices to combat modern slavery. Download the full document to explore how modern slavery software solutions can ensure ethical and transparent supply chains.

Senate Submission: How NSW Government Procurement Can Tackle Modern Slavery
Discover SlaveCheck’s recommendations in this submission to the NSW Inquiry on improving government procurement practices to combat modern slavery. Download the full document to explore how modern slavery software solutions can ensure ethical and transparent supply chains.
Modern Slavery

Helpline Design Recommendations from Modern Slavery Survivors
Download SlaveCheck’s report featuring survivor-led recommendations for designing and operating effective modern slavery helplines in Australia and New Zealand. The report focuses on building trusted, survivor-centred support systems.

Helpline Design Recommendations from Modern Slavery Survivors
Download SlaveCheck’s report featuring survivor-led recommendations for designing and operating effective modern slavery helplines in Australia and New Zealand. The report focuses on building trusted, survivor-centred support systems.
Modern Slavery

Senate Submission: Recommendations for Australia’s Anti-Slavery Commissioner
Download SlaveCheck’s submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Modern Slavery Amendment Bill 2023. This document provides expert recommendations on the role of the Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner and outlines strategies to combat modern slavery through policy, enforcement, and supply chain transparency.

Senate Submission: Recommendations for Australia’s Anti-Slavery Commissioner
Download SlaveCheck’s submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Modern Slavery Amendment Bill 2023. This document provides expert recommendations on the role of the Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner and outlines strategies to combat modern slavery through policy, enforcement, and supply chain transparency.
Modern Slavery

Consumers Demand Action: Insights on Modern Slavery Infographic
Explore Australian consumer attitudes on modern slavery and ethical spending habits.

Consumers Demand Action: Insights on Modern Slavery Infographic
Explore Australian consumer attitudes on modern slavery and ethical spending habits.
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